BEST GYM AWARD受賞のパーソナルジム



BEYOND 上大岡店の

  • 駅徒歩5分以内
  • 2路線以上あり
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  • 手ぶらOK
  • ダイエット
  • ボディメイク
パーソナルトレーニングジムのBEYOND 上大岡店
  • 駅徒歩5分以内
  • 2路線以上あり
  • レンタルシューズ
  • レンタルウェア
  • 手ぶらOK
  • ダイエット
  • ボディメイク


神奈川県横浜市港南区上大岡西2丁目6−28 Granz KurakiII 0201号













BEYOND 上大岡店のLINE友達登録


経験者の87%が入会推奨と回答 経験者の87%が入会推奨と回答
経験者の90%が初心者にオススメしたいと回答 経験者の90%が初心者にオススメしたいと回答
経験者の91%が初心者にオススメしたいと回答 経験者の91%が初心者にオススメしたいと回答
経験者の87%が入会推奨と回答 経験者の87%が入会推奨と回答
経験者の90%がスタッフ対応推奨と回答 経験者の90%がスタッフ対応推奨と回答
ダイエット初心者から選ばれているパーソナルジム ダイエット初心者から選ばれているパーソナルジム
 みんなに選ばれているパーソナルジム  みんなに選ばれているパーソナルジム

BEYOND 上大岡店のお客様の声











担当の染谷さんがいつも励ましてくれて店舗に行くたびに元気をもらえます。 3ヶ月近くで8キロ近く体重が落ちてモチベーションが上がっています。

BEYOND 上大岡店の様子

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  • BEYOND 上大岡店の写真
  • BEYOND 上大岡店の写真
  • BEYOND 上大岡店の写真
  • BEYOND 上大岡店の写真
  • BEYOND 上大岡店の写真
  • BEYOND 上大岡店の写真
  • BEYOND 上大岡店の写真

BEYOND 上大岡店の
























染谷 和典

染谷 和典

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BEYOND上大岡ANNEX店 トレーナーの 北村 稜馬と申します!

私は高校2年生の時に「もっと自分を磨きたい」という思いから、市の運営するジムに通い始めました。そのジムでは初心者の私に正しいトレーニングの仕方を親切に教えてくれる人がいたので 怪我をせずに順調に理想の体へと近づけさせることが出来ました!




上原 大知

上原 大知

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染谷 和典

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BEYOND上大岡店 店長の染谷です!






項目 1回あたりの金額
無料カウンセリング 無料





コース種類 回数 料金・費用 特典・備考
STANDARD 10 10回 96,800円(税込)【@9,680円】
ACHIEVE 20 20回 176,000円(税込)【@8,800円】 アフタープロテイン
BEYOND 30 30回 247,500円(税込)【@8,250円】 アフタープロテイン


コース種類 回数 / 目安期間 料金・費用 特典・備考
ライフプランニング16 16回/2ヶ月 281,600円(税込) パーソナル食事管理2ヶ月
ライフプランニング24 24回/3ヶ月 422,400円(税込) パーソナル食事管理3ヶ月









BEYOND 上大岡店の

Based on 212 reviews
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S yS y
04:30 13 Jul 24
I started personal service in April of this year.What surprised me most as I continued to work was my dietary management. ``Is it okay to eat this much?'' I was surprised to realize that I wasn't getting enough nutrition or calories, and instead of being banned from eating various foods, I was given suggestions for meal replacements and knowledge about nutrition. I was able to improve and improve my eating habits. I don't have any extreme sugar restrictions, so I don't feel any stress about eating at the moment.When it comes to exercise, instead of going straight to intense muscle training using machines, he starts with stretching and building the body with an emphasis on flexibility, so I'm able to gradually increase the amount of exercise I do!As a result, in the three months since I started using Personal, I've had more people say to me, ``You've lost weight,'' so I'm very satisfied. Also, the trainers praised my achievements and noticed changes, so I was able to maintain my motivation! thank you! I would like to continue this!
04:12 03 Jul 24
I decided to go on a diet, but I couldn't continue on my own, so I decided to go to Beyond. They train me according to my situation, and they are very friendly and helpful when it comes to meals. Every training session is tough, but it's fun and you can really see the results, so you can do your best! I want to do my best to reach my goals.
02:05 22 Jun 24
We will provide you with very detailed guidance from how to train to daily meal support. There are no restrictions on the amount of rice you eat, so it's easy to continue eating because you can lose weight in a healthy way.
11:04 11 Apr 24
I started going there to relieve my lack of exercise and to go on a diet. I enjoy going to school and have reduced my weight and body fat percentage. They push me to do things that I would never be able to do on my own. And when I see results, my motivation increases♪ I want to continue working hard to build up my energy and physical strength. I look forward to working with you.
05:03 11 Apr 24
I started it because I wanted to gain confidence in myself, and from there I started making my own meals, started exercising, improving my lifestyle habits, and gaining more knowledge about muscle training. My motivation has increased and I am able to continue training at home. Also, I get sick less often than before. It's only been about 2 months, but I'm getting more motivated as I gradually learn about the changes in my muscles and the food menu! Also, my trainer, Mr. Someya, is bright and makes training fun while keeping me focused! I want to continue to enjoy training so that I can gain confidence in myself like Someya-san! !
Y T.Y T.
12:52 10 Apr 24
Since I don't take the initiative to exercise, I thought that personal training would help me keep going, so I joined. After a certain period of time, I started to get lazy, but I was able to continue by booking my next appointment with the trainer after the training was over.Personal training is highly recommended for those who are too picky about themselves!
yumeto myumeto m
13:50 30 Mar 24
I am receiving personal training from Mr. Nakamura at my first personal gym. In just 3 months, I've seen improvements in muscle strength, body fat, and weight, and I'm very satisfied with the sense of accomplishment.In addition, I learned how to use the equipment and training methods, so I think I will be able to continue to train effectively in the future.
08:40 27 Mar 24
I had a personal visit for the first time!I used to go to the gym, but I could barely keep going, but I was able to continue going because I felt like someone was watching me!As someone who works night shifts, I was grateful that they were able to respond to my dietary guidance report late at night!Today I was asked to train this area and focus on the areas I was concerned about!
10:29 04 Mar 24
For the past few years, I've been going to the gym and doing home workouts because I wanted to reset my body shape, but I thought it would be a good idea to go to a personal gym at least once, so I've been looking for one for several months. I think I found Beyond on Instagram. Anyway, I went to the second one to try it out. After the experience, I had a very good impression of Mr. Kitamura, who worked with me, and I thought we would be compatible, so I decided to join right away.He provides very easy-to-understand explanations during each training session, which naturally improves the quality of your training. Above all, he is well-educated about the body and can answer any questions you may have regarding diet accurately and accurately.Although my son is older than me, I always admire this nice young man who always greets me with a cheerful smile.I'm still in the middle of my journey, but I feel like I can do my best to reach my goal.
05:09 24 Jan 24
05:09 24 Jan 24
The trainers are very kind and give helpful advice, and the environment is very easy to train in, so it's easy to go to, and since you don't have to overlap with other customers at the gym, you can train without worrying about those around you, so it's really great.I think it's a personal gym where you can continue training without any difficulty, as the trainers will put a lot of thought into the training itself!
12:20 03 Dec 23
I'm coming here to diet and relieve my lack of exercise in preparation for my wedding.I can continue to receive dietary guidance without any difficulty as I receive accurate advice tailored to my condition. The training is easy to understand even for beginners.
K LunaK Luna
12:48 23 Nov 23
All the trainers are very kind and give detailed instructions every time.Even beginners of muscle training can enjoy training!I go once a week, and my muscles hurt every week, so I think I'm training effectively.I am always grateful for your help.I am grateful!
11:15 14 Nov 23
I used to go to a major gym, but I started going there because I wanted to learn about proper form and new training menus. I've just completed 5 of my 10-session contract, but I haven't noticed any changes in my body because I only receive treatment once a week or every other week, and I don't receive any dietary guidance. However, even if it takes half the time of training at a regular major gym, I still get sore muscles every time, and the easy-to-understand explanations make it a great learning experience.Thank you for the remaining half.
Even if you're not good at exercise, you can do just one hour of training and have fun doing it, and the trainer will keep you motivated, so it'll be over in no time. The trainers have a nice atmosphere and the advice on nutrition is very helpful, making it easy to do. I think this is a gym that I can recommend to others.
01:15 11 Nov 23
I buy a coupon and go there.Each 20 servings comes with 2 bags of protein and EAA (BCAA), so you can go whenever you like (of course there may not be reservations available...), and you don't have to bring anything with you, as it comes with training clothes and post-workout protein. I think it's a perfect environment.The reason I haven't seen any results is completely my fault for not being able to attend regularly (lack of physical condition management), but the trainer in charge, Mr. Yoshimura, really supported me,I think the most appealing thing about Personal is that he adjusts the intensity to a reasonable level every time!I used to go to a gym that was open 24/7 on a monthly basis. As a result, due to my lack of knowledge (even though I studied training for about a year in university physical education...), my muscles were so sore every time that I couldn't move the next day...I think the combination of theory and practice is what makes a professional.After attending beyond, I came to truly believe that the training method should be tailored to each person's goals.I want to be able to take good care of my health and produce results!
08:41 01 Nov 23
I started going there to go on a diet.After turning 30, I started gaining weight, and even though I managed my diet and trained myself, I was not seeing any results.So I applied for a trial experience to start personal training.In conclusion, BEYOND trainers are very knowledgeable and very reliable!He is full of passion for his work and will give you friendly advice!I lost 5 kg in about a month and a half, but my muscle mass increased!Because it was BEYOND, and because it was Yoshimura-san, I was able to do my best!I fully recommend it, as you will gain a lifetime of knowledge about not only dieting, but also food and training that suits your body!On my first visit, he looked at my physical condition (body fat percentage, muscle mass, posture, etc.) and carefully taught me about diet and training.He taught me my daily calorie intake and PFC balance, and from there he worked with me to come up with a meal menu that was not significantly different from my usual meals.When I manage my daily diet and train about twice a week, I get a lot of praise (okay, okay! This is good!), which makes me feel better and helps me work a little harder and improve.About a month after I started, I had a period where I felt depressed, but he kindly supported my helpless feelings (I just want to eat as much as I want!) and gave me appropriate advice. I gave it to you.Now, I find myself naturally counting calories and thinking about things like whether I should eat more protein, whether I should replace it with potatoes, or whether I should have a lighter dinner.Thank you very much, Mr. Yoshimura!I can only thank you!If you are confused like me, please muster up the courage and take the first step!BEYOND will definitely respond!
14:02 26 Oct 23
I've never done proper muscle training before, so it's nice to be able to watch from the side and point out my posture. I'm always amazed at how just a slight change in posture can have a completely different effect. And when it works properly, it's quite painful lolHowever, she encourages me while I'm training and cares about my health, so I think I'll be able to continue without any problems!
chie inochie ino
14:52 23 Oct 23
I have always liked to move my body and had experience of going to the gym, but after giving birth I was no longer able to get in shape on my own, so I joined because I wanted to get in shape efficiently and appropriately. If you see a trainer, you will be able to target the areas you want to work on, and you will definitely get rid of muscle pain. I am very grateful to be able to see my body's balance and flexibility. The gym has a good atmosphere and is easy to come to.
13:06 21 Oct 23
I found Trainer Watanabe on Instagram and started going there!First of all, looking at the results, I was able to drop 9 kg in 3 months from a weight in the early 70 kg! I'm surprised myself. I'm very happy with the results.First of all, I was taught the importance of [meals]! [Eat and burn fat]. It was such a shock that I realized how little I knew. There are trends and information on the internet, but even with that in mind, what trainer Watanabe taught me was much more theoretical!It's really eye-opening! I really want other people to know this!I really realized that it's more about [doing things] than trying hard!I have learned over the past few months that it is not a world where results come from hard work, but it is very important to do things with solid knowledge!Also, the training is tough, but I'm really learning a lot! I'm ashamed of myself for thinking I could do it on YouTube! lolIt's absolutely impossible to understand this level of detail in the video world!The Kamiooka store is very clean inside and all the staff greet me and make me feel very nice!If you are thinking about dieting in the future, I highly recommend BEYOND Kamiooka! You can learn quite theoretically, and it can be tailored to your personal needs! We have a wide variety of customers, and I think it's a great atmosphere where anyone can come! In terms of meal support, I was able to do it without any difficulty!I think you can't go wrong with the price!If you go, I think you'll have a lifetime's worth of knowledge!Mr. Watanabe, thank you for your continued training! !Thank you for your continued support 😊
05:45 17 Oct 23
I saw muscle training on YouTube and thought I wanted to start training myself, so I started going to the gym, but I had no idea how to use the machines or the form, so after much thought, I decided to go to BEYOND.I had no idea that my muscles would be sore the next day after my first lesson, and it would last for three days, and I was worried about whether I would be able to continue, but as I took the second and third lessons, I noticed a change in my body. I noticed that my posture had improved, and my lower abdomen was flat!!I was really surprised by this. They create training menus tailored to each individual and teach me how to target my weak areas, so I can feel the changes in my body more efficiently. I'm looking forward to it. I am also receiving detailed dietary guidance, so I would like to continue this in the future. There are only a few more sessions left, but I'm going to keep training hard and hope that things will continue to change!
Koh TakahashiKoh Takahashi
12:17 13 Oct 23
I started attending the school in September 2023 and am being guided by trainer Nakamura.I feel that I am able to train very effectively because I am taught exactly which muscles to focus on during my daily training and the correct way to do it each time. If you are skinny but want to effectively build muscle or shape your body, we recommend Nakamura Trainer! lolThe other trainers are friendly and it's a very fun gym that feels like home!If you have been unable to continue your muscle training by yourself, please come and try Beyond!
09:41 21 Sep 23
🔥I started attending in March🔥I started coming here because my work suit was getting too tight.I decided to join BEYOND because I was able to look at gym information and receive advice from trainers with proper knowledge.Dietary guidance was provided for the first three months, soI have to report it to the trainer! ! This tension led to quite a few results. When some women want to lose weight, they tend to think, ``I just need to eat vegetables'' or ``I just cut out carbohydrates,'' but in order to lose weight beautifully without losing muscle, I will tell you that this is not the case. I received. “This is knowledge that will last a lifetime! 'I think what the trainer said is true. I lost 1kg of fat and gained 600g of muscle... At that stage, I said to several colleagues at work, ``You've lost weight!'' ``I have been told that I have become toned,'' and I am happy to hear that I look much more toned than my weight.Now that there is no dietary guidance,I'm being kind to myself and it's a little weird, but I want to continue doing muscle training. Body shape is of course important, but these days I'm starting to realize that muscle training is essential, especially for people in their 40s and 50s, in order to stay active for as long as they want.lastly. Looking at BEYOND's handsome trainers, I feel like if you have a nice body, you don't need expensive clothes.Even a casual T-shirt will look cool if you have toned muscles ❤︎ We recommend BEYOND to those who want to receive effective personal training from handsome trainers and muscular beauty trainers!
14:11 07 Aug 23
I chose a personal gym because I'm always not good at continuing to work out alone, I didn't know if my posture was right, and my eating habits were biased.It's been a little over a month since I started, but I'm glad I went.It is very reassuring to be able to exercise while being encouraged and supported. Trainers are always nice and friendly. And you can tell that he likes muscle training.I was almost a beginner in muscle training, but I think I was able to continue somehow thanks to your support.I am always grateful for your help.
01:27 07 Aug 23
This time, I am indebted to personal training with my parent and child.Until now, I was doing my own muscle training and dietary restrictions. Personal training was expensive and had strict dietary restrictions, and I was worried about rebounding. Mr. Nakamura and other trainers are very kind and politely answer simple questions and questions. I was able to fundamentally change the idea that "body make-up = strict diet control".Each session is careful about how to eat and think about addition instead of subtraction, and how to increase the effect and the correct form of muscle training. I'm really going to study with you teaching me. I'm almost 60 years old, but I'm glad that I can feel the effects compared to when I continued training in my own way.It's been almost a month since the training started, but the dietary guidance is content that can be continued without difficulty. Mr. Nakamura, a trainer with a wealth of knowledge, will teach you various things, so you will be able to eat well and be toned. I want to tighten my body shape and lower my body fat percentage rather than lose weight, so the advice on dietary guidance is very helpful.The other day, I had an opportunity to go for a health checkup, and the person in charge of the measurement seemed surprised at the change in my weight (-5kg) and waist size from last year.I enjoy going to each session. I can also use the shower 🚿 after training, so it feels good. Even when you're tired, training here will change your mood and give you energy! I can't wait to see what kind of menu training will be next time.Thank you as always 😊
Mengmeng LiMengmeng Li
12:22 28 Jul 23
It was my first time going to a personal gym, and I was a little nervous at first, but thanks to the staff's warm support and professional guidance, I was able to immediately relax and concentrate on my training. He listened to my physical strength and goals in detail, and made an individual plan. Also, he paid close attention to my form and posture during training, so I was able to train effectively without difficulty. In addition, the advice on diet and nutrition was accurate, and I was able to deepen my understanding of the changes in my body. From now on, I would like to do my best to reach the goal together.
01:39 28 Jul 23
I had a favorable impression from the first experience training and counseling. During the actual training, the trainer was kind enough to give me accurate advice and keep me motivated. Also, the trainers who were enrolled were all very polite and likable people.
09:59 18 Jul 23
Last year, when I turned 50, I felt a strong decline in my physical strength and changes in my body shape.I thought it would be nice if I could incorporate proper training and build a healthy body, so I started a personal gym.decided to go.At first, I was nervous when I visited the gym for the first time in my life, but Mr. Yoshimura, who was in charge,Very easy-to-understand, kind and polite counseling and experience training, hereYou can go without anxiety! I can continue! I decided to go to BEYOND Kamiooka on that day.The other trainers greeted me brightly with a smile, and the atmosphere of the shop was very impressive.For the training, I chose a course of 30 times/6 months, and for the first month, I used LINE to manage my diet.It's been two months since I started going once a week, and I'm noticing changes in my body every day.My weight has decreased by about 2 kg, but my body fat percentage has decreased, and both muscle strength and basal metabolic rate have increased.Thanks to effective training and accurate dietary management and guidance, even in just 2 months (even an old lady over 50)I'm surprised that it works so well.The reason why I'm getting such results is because the training is fulfilling and fun! !Each 55 minute session is over in no time.You can have a relaxed feeling while having a pleasant conversation while training according to the condition of the day.It continues effortlessly.He always gives me the right advice and support to motivate me even if the training is a little tough.This builds my confidence, and I am able to work with the feeling of “even more!”How will the remaining 4 months and 20 training sessions develop, and how will my body change?I'm really looking forward to it!I would like to continue training hard so that I can think that I am in my 50s and feel the healthiest and best now👍✨.Mr. Yoshimura, thank you for your continued support!
14:01 17 Jul 23
I don't really like muscle training and I didn't go to the gym at all, but thanks to your careful guidance, I'm able to continue!The diet guidance was also given in detail within a reasonable range, and I was able to achieve about -3 kg in weight while increasing muscle in one month!I look forward to helping you achieve your ideal body shape!
13:06 17 Jul 23
The level of satisfaction is high because it has all the elements expected of a personal training gym, such as the knowledge of the trainer and the completeness of the machines. During the training, you will receive specific advice on how to apply force effectively. In addition, we receive suggestions for improving our daily meals, which has led to improvements in our eating habits.
00:57 09 Jul 23
I was given dietary guidance and training for two months. As a result, I lost 6kg (72kg→66kg) and lost 6% body fat (18%→12%). ※Height 173cmIt was an impression that we implemented for two months.In terms of diet, you can receive guidance using LINE after each meal on how to lose weight within the period.There is no extreme sugar restriction, and the dietary guidance is conscious of the PFC balance. I made it. The knowledge I learned this time will be a lifelong thing, so I had a very good experience.Regarding training, we not only teach correct posture and procedures during training, but also put together an efficient menu that takes into account each person's weaknesses, body habits, and hardness.Also, by teaching me various stretching methods that suit me, I can do stretching and muscle training even after returning home.I used to receive personal instruction once or twice a week, but muscle training became fun, and I started doing muscle training about 5 days a week by changing body parts even by myself 🙆‍♂️In addition, by teaching me how to walk and posture that I can use in my private life, I am now able to take actions that are conscious of the burning of my body in my daily life.There are still things I want to tell you, but I will enjoy it after joining.Finally, I was able to have a good experience this time by receiving Mr. Watanabe's guidance.Thank you very much 👍
03:45 03 Jul 23
Until now, my own diet has been a failure, and I have been rebounding repeatedly.I'm determined to improve my health and diet, and I'm watching my diet and training!The content is very fulfilling because you can give me guidance each time on a little angle and where to have awareness, and you can also see the meal in detail!My trainer, Mr. Yoshimura, is always encouraging me and I am enjoying my training. I realize that my body is changing little by little.Thank you for your continued support until we reach our goal!
11:48 22 Jun 23
I started going to him this month, and he has been watching me for both meals and training. I eat what I want and I drink quite a bit, but I'm happy to see the results of my hard work appearing in numbers, albeit little by little, after training with Tatsutsu-san twice a week.Thank you for your continued support 🙇 ♀️ I will do my best
22:10 16 Jun 23
出産前の体重に戻したいと思い、ダイエットを決意いたしました。トレーニング初心者のため、正しいフォームの指導や食事管理をしていただける、パーソナルジムが良いと思い、カウンセリング時の説明がとてもわかりやすく、アットホームな雰囲気にも惹かれ、ビヨンドに通う事を決めました。通い初めて三か月が経ちますが、体重も順調に落ち、体型の変化も実感してきました。担当していただいている望月さんは、食事指導やトレーニング時のフォームなど説明や例えがとてもわかりやすく、初心者の私でもスムーズに理解する事ができました。質問にもすぐに答えて頂き、知識の豊富さや指導の技術力の高さを感じ、信頼しております。話しやすくトークも面白く、苦なく楽しくトレーニングが継続出来ているのも、望月トレーナーのお陰です!他のトレーナーさん達もいつも明るく笑顔で挨拶してくださり、親切に対応して頂き、ジム内の清掃も行き届いており、ビヨンドを選んで本当に良かったです。あと2か月ありますが、引き続き楽しみながら目標に向かって頑張っていきたいと思います!私も始めは不安でしたが、迷っている方、ぜひ一度カウンセリングを受けてみてください!本当にオススメのジムです^ ^
22:10 16 Jun 23
I decided to go on a diet because I wanted to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Since I am a beginner in training, I thought that a personal gym would be good because they could teach me correct form and manage my diet. .It's been three months since I started coming here, and I've been steadily losing weight, and I've noticed a change in my body shape. Mr. Mochizuki, who is in charge of the training, gave very easy-to-understand explanations and examples, such as dietary guidance and training forms, and even a beginner like me was able to understand smoothly. He answered my questions immediately, and I felt his wealth of knowledge and high level of technical skills in his guidance, and I trust him.It is thanks to Trainer Mochizuki that he is easy to talk to, has interesting talks, and is able to continue training in a fun and effortless manner!The other trainers always greeted me with a bright smile, treated me kindly, and the gym was well-cleaned, so I'm really glad I chose Beyond.There are still two months left, but I would like to continue working hard toward my goals while having fun!I was also worried at the beginning, but if you are lost, please try counseling once! I really recommend this gym ^^
m mm m
11:22 02 Jun 23
I will teach you the correct form and where to work.I'm glad that I can feel the effect more than when I continued home training by myself.It tightens my body and improves my posture, so my stiff shoulders, which used to be terrible before, have become much easier.Dietary guidance is content that can be continued without difficulty. A knowledgeable trainer will teach you various things, so you can tighten up while eating well.It doesn't bother me at all and it's fun every time. Even when you are tired, training here will give you energy!Thank you as always 😊
08:35 25 Dec 22
In order to participate in the beyond cup held on November 27, 2022, I used a course of 3 and a half months of dietary guidance and personal training at Beyond Kamiooka store.As of January 2022, I weighed 105 kilograms, but after 10 months of weight loss, I lost 40 kilograms and built up a body for the competition.For that, the cooperation of Beyond Jim was indispensable.I will give you four good points about receiving personal training at Beyond Gym.①Mr. Watanabe, the store manager, has won a high-level tournament and has confidence in his words and actions, so I am confident in my side!Since it was my first time participating in a competition, I was worried and had many things I didn't know, but after seeing Mr. Watanabe's guidance and familiarity with the competition, I was able to challenge the competition without feeling nervous.(2) When you go to the gym, you get compliments, so your motivation goes up!I usually do muscle training alone, and I often feel lonely because I have no friends to talk about muscle training, no friends to praise me, but when I go to the gym, I get compliments on my body. Then, I was taught about improvements that I didn't notice, so my motivation for muscle training increased and my efficiency exploded!③ It's close to the station, so it's easy to commute!Above all, it's easy to commute, and it's really good that it's easy to commute near the station because it's a matter of how much time you spend!④ Time efficiency will explode because you will be guided by solid knowledge and abundant experience!Now is the time when you can get any amount of information about muscle training from videos and the Internet. However, there is so much information out there that I don't know what to trust or what suits me. The store manager, Mr. Watanabe, has a lot of experience, so he had a lot of options, and I immediately tried it and it worked!I decided to participate in the tournament and worked hard, but I would have definitely given up on my own because I would have failed halfway through. It wasn't cheap, but it was the best self-investment I've ever had because I got the best body I've ever had and had the experience to improve my life in the future.Thank you to Mr. Watanabe, manager of Beyond Gym Kamiooka and all the staff for their support. I will do my best so that I can participate in the competition in better shape next year!
mia miamia mia
00:34 20 Dec 22
It was my first time at the gym, so I was nervous when I went to try it out, but Ms. Mochizuki, who was in charge, kindly explained things to me in an easy-to-understand manner, so I decided to go to BEYOND Kamiooka. She teaches me the training that suits me and has a friendly conversation, so even a beginner like me can enjoy going every time! Also, training and conversation are fun, so an hour feels like it's going to fly by! They also help me with food management, which is very helpful.The trainers who are not in charge greet me brightly with a smile every time, and I think the atmosphere of the gym is very good.The plan will end soon, but I would like to continue using it in the future!
14:47 16 Dec 22
It's been about a month and a half since I started going. I didn't know if training by myself would be effective, so I chose personal training because I wanted to train effectively.I was nervous about what it would be like to go to the gym for the first time, but I was relieved that the atmosphere of the shop was good and the staff were easy to talk to.You can carefully teach me about training and diet, and you can also have other consultations, so you can prepare both physically and mentally!In addition to that, there is wear rental, so it's easy to go after work, and there's a protein service, and there's a wide variety, so it's a pleasure every time.I always say that I'm tired every time, but I'm grateful that he listens to me and trains according to my physical condition!I wish you all the best for the rest of the session!
tomizuka kaedetomizuka kaede
23:18 02 Nov 22
I joined in August and have been indebted since then.At first, I thought it would be nice if I could change my appearance a little for my friend's wedding, but as I continued, it was fun, and I came to think, "I want to be more like this!"There are times when the training is tough, and there are times when it is easy, depending on your physical condition. I am very grateful that you carefully listen to my wishes and think about the menu from there. Also, there are many ways to keep your motivation up. I enjoy hard training and chatting during breaks!After 3 months of continuous use, I feel that my posture has improved, my pants have become looser, and my upper arms have lost a little weight. It's a change that will be noticed by those around you!From now on, I want to tighten my body while paying attention to my diet. I look forward to working with you!
22:34 30 Jun 22
BEYOND has been taking care of me for about a month.When I used to go to yoga before, I was often worried about being crowded and bumping into each other during big movements.Wear is also available for rent, so it's a nice point to be able to go casually on your way home from work.There is a wide range of training, from things that can be done at home to things that put stress on pinpoints, and I am impressed that professionals are different.Above all, the trainers are very kind and bright, so I enjoy working every time!I think this is also unique to personal ✧︎Dietary training is not a NG, but it is properly balanced and adjusted before and after eating out, so you can see it according to your life, so it will not be a burden and you can enjoy it more than you imagined.Rather, I started eating more properly than before I started training.I'm still amazed at how much weight I'm losing.Since I started going there, I have stably lost more than 2kg and the effect is perfect! I feel like I can wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.I'm looking forward to the future because there are still more times left!I look forward to working with you!
12:13 21 Jun 22
I have gained weight due to the corona sickness, so when I was searching for a personal gym, I found BEYOND in Kamiooka.Actually, I had experience going to another company's personal gym four years ago, but it was hard to commute quite far from home.BEYOND in Kamiooka is close to my house, and the facility is very clean, so I train comfortably every time. Training wear is also available for rent, which is very helpful. Protein after training is also delicious 😊Above all, all the trainers are very kind and nice👍 I can do my best even in hard training. I have a health checkup in December, so I would like to continue training hard.
Naomichi AbeNaomichi Abe
09:41 25 May 22
I gained weight due to lack of exercise and drinking too much alcohol due to Korona-ka's remote work, and I noticed that my back pain was getting worse 🤦 Meanwhile, I learned about BEYOND from the leaflet in my home post, and my wife's With the support, I joined 😌 (One of the motives was that I was just a stone's throw from my home)I enrolled in a course with dietary guidance, and at first I was worried whether I could tolerate it, but I was able to eat a surprising amount and gradually got used to it 😌 I am very grateful that you can feel free to consult with me every day on LINE.As for training (Watanabe trainer), I feel that the exquisite driving method and muscle training form guidance that considers the physical condition and tiredness of the day are really wonderful and that it works for the body every time 💪About a month after joining, I lost nearly -4kg ☺️ I think it's the result of diet and training!In the future, I would like to work on building a body that is hard to gain weight by increasing muscle mass and changing the contents as well as weight 😇Thank you for your continued guidance 😌
R TakanoR Takano
12:15 26 Mar 22
I have been instructed by Mr. Hoshi, a trainer at BEYOND Kamiooka store, for a month.・ The course you are enrolled in is a short-term intensive 24+! ️・ The changes since joining have made the area around the face cleaner and the skin quality improved 😁I am very happy that the amount of fat has dropped by 3 kg when I measured the diet after one month 💯✨😊・ The impression of the trainer is very energetic, and it puts a load that can be achieved by training, so you can do it with strength that you can not do by yourself 💪🔥In addition, LINE replies are sent to you one by one, so you can eat with great peace of mind 😁・ About facilitiesIt just opened in February and is very beautiful and clean! ️・ My future goal is to lose weight and fat and wear skinny beautifully 😁✨・ BEYOND is recommended for returning from work as it has long business hours and is easy to come to. 🙆‍♂️Great amenities! ️ ✨ 👍I enjoy training with trainer Hoshi by talking about past club activities ⭐️
00:02 23 Mar 22
Mr. Hoshi, the trainer of the BEYOND Kamiooka store, has been teaching me since the opening.・I joined the enrollment course at short-term intensive 16!・I don't think the food restrictions are too strict while drinking alcohol, and I can correct my eating habits, and my wife says she's happy that she can lose a little weight by following the same eating habits. I am living a life 😁As a result, I succeeded in dieting 4 kg in about a month and a half 🔥💪・The trainer is cool, so it is recommended for women.・The facility is new, so it's clean and beautiful 🙆‍♂️・From now on, I would like to work hard so that I can drink beer more deliciously by squeezing my body more, and I can enjoy my favorite hobby! ️・It is especially recommended because the training will be taught in detail, so the quality will improve and you can push yourself further.🔥💪I can always have fun training with my trainer, Hoshi-san⭐️
03:04 22 Mar 22
After seeing a leaflet from Beyond Kamiooka store in my mailbox, I went to experience it.I tried a personal gym because I wanted to build a body that would not get caught in a health checkup, and to have a cool body even in the elderly.I joined the course with meal guidance for 3 months as it was. I checked my diet on LINE, and I am healthy and thin while eating 3 meals a day when I work from home and when I go to work.Now two holes in the belt that I usually wear have become loose💪🏾Also, I feel that I have become more positive ☺️I would like to aim for a more toned body, as well as for the health checkup in July 💪🏾I've been training three times a week since the second half of February😌It feels good to move your body💪🏾Protein after training is also very delicious 😊Above all, I am enjoying training with my trainer Watanabe-san💪🏾
03:27 17 Mar 22
When I was looking for a personal gym, BEYOND came out on top. I knew it was near my house so I contacted you.I remember being moved by the polite response even in advance contact ☺️I was able to experience it from there and joined 💪🏾The purpose is body makeup and anti-aging ⭐️In dietary guidance,Originally, I didn't eat carbohydrates and had lightheadedness when standing up, but I'm impressed by myself eating carbohydrates and losing weight under Mr. Watanabe's guidance.I am feeling better and sleeping better.Also, in the training, I was able to do things that I couldn't do by myself.By training, I became too positive and it's scary...🤣Above all, my trainer, Mr. Watanabe, gives me various training menus and dietary guidance, so I'm happy that I can go without stress💪🏾


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